TGT Dalian Data Centre 1 (TGT DLDC1) of TGT YIDA Data Services (Dalian) Co., Ltd. (TGT Yida) was honored to receive the “LEED CS (Core and Shell System) Gold Level Certificate”, granted by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

USGBC is a non-profit organization which dedicated to promoting the leadership in energy and environmental design. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Certification (LEED) is a green building rating system established by the USGBC in 2000, to verify the sustainable structures around the world.DLDC1 LEED Cert

TGT DLDC1 uses recyclable materials – terracotta in building data centre. Terracotta has excellent insulating properties and the ability to self-cleaning. Besides, TGT DLDC1 also uses Oil Free Chiller which has high efficiency in energy saving, quiet in operation and reduce oil problem. This award indicated that TGT expanding business, but also pays attention to environment protection.

As a green data centre, TGT DLDC1 is dedicated to all aspects of energy saving, operations management and energy efficiency and other green elements; supporting green data centre become a new trend in the industry. This award recognized the efforts and achievements of TGT DLDC1 for its commitment and support for environmental protection.